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The primary duty of the Corporate Secretary is to act as a liaison between the Company and external stakeholders, in particular the regulators, shareholders and the general public. The Corporate Secretary also works to ensure the Company’s compliance with all relevant regulations in its communications and engagements with external parties. The Corporate Secretary was established in the Company in accordance with the Financial Services Authority Regulation No. 35/POJK.04/2014 on Corporate Secretary of Issuers or Public Companies.

Corporate Secretary’s Profile

Rachel Stephanie Marsaulina Siagian holds the Corporate Secretary position since 2017 based on the Decree of the Board of Directors No. 010/SK-DIR/MCI/IV/2017 dated 15 June 2017. The profile of the Corporate Secretary has been disclosed in the Profile Chapter of the Board of Directors’ Profile section in this Annual Report. 

Corporate Secretary’s Implementation of Duties

​In 2023 the Corporate Secretary performed a number of tasks, among others:
1. Held the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on June 14, 2023, at the Company's Head Office, Jakarta
2. Held an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders on June 14, 2023, at the Company's Head Office, Jakarta
3. Held an Annual Public Expose on June 14, 2023, at the Company's Head Office, Jakarta
4. Delivered information disclosure to the public, including the availability of information on the Company's Website during 2023 and
5. Submitted reports to the Financial Services Authority during 2023


Corporate Secretary Competency Development

To add insight, competence and expertise, the Company provides opportunities for the Corporate Secretary to participate in various competency development activities, such as seminars, workshops and training, held either by internal or external parties, as needed. In addition, the Corporate Secretary continues to develop competence independently, through books or the internet.

*Source: PT M Cash Integrasi Tbk. Annual Report 2023

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